
Introduction to Computers

Computers are the greatest achievement of our time. Computers have infiltrated in most of the activities around us. They are increasingly becoming the backbone of our information systems and are improving our industrial efficiency and optimal operation.

Most people know that a computer is a fast calculator, but it is much more than that. It is a machine, which performs fast calculations plus performs burdensome chores such as choosing, copying, moving comparing and performing other operations on alphabetic, numeric and other symbols which represent data (raw material of information).
A computer may be defined as a machine that can solve problems by accepting data, performing certain operation and presenting the results of those operations under the direction of detailed step-by-step instructions. Such a set of sequenced instructions, which cause a computer to perform particular operations, is called a program.     

 Computer science is the study of the operating principles of computers, computer programming languages and algorithms (step by step process) for solving theoretical as well as practical problems. It involves the development and use of devices for processing information. Information in one form is presented to the device (input information) and information in other form is required from it (output information). This process of conversion of raw material into the finished product is nothing but data processing”. Data processing may be defined as the process to transforming data (raw material of information) into useful information by the computer

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