
Impact Vs Non-Impact printers

1. Impact printers include all printers that work by striking an ink ribbon due to this these types of printers are much noiser. Daisy wheel, dot matrix and line printers are impact printers.
1. Ink-jet and laser printers are non-impact printers, which do not consist of movable heads as in impact printer so they produce less noise.
2. The printing process is relatively slow.
2. Is faster due to the lack of moving parts in the print head.
3. The quality of print is poor than non-impact (except Daisy wheel).
3. Can produce high quality print.
4. They are generally cheaper as they use simple technology so they are used to print bills and receipts.
4. Costly than Impact.
5. Are not capable of printing high quality image and most of them are limited in fonts. Especially in Daisy wheel printer it difficult to mix fonts in the same document.
6. Can print high quality Images and are capable of printing an almost unlimited variety of fonts.
6. As the print image is formed on the paper by hitting it with tiny hammers, it is
possible to use carbon papers to get extra copies of the same document simultaneously. This is useful in places where multi-part stationery is used for getting copies of bills and receipts.

6. Reprinting is requited to produce extra copies.
7.Dot matrix printers can use single sheets of paper as well as continuous stationery.
7.Mostly single sheets are used.

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